Get prepared properly for a healthy pregnancy and the arrival of a healthy infant.
Moderator: Jenny Balatsinou, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder ImpacTalk
Ioanna Apostolopoulou, MSc, PhD Clinical Psychologist – Psychotherapist
Katerina Gatou, Maternity assistant
Chatzidakis Panagiotis, Entrepreneur
To watch the full Experts Talk video

At the hearing of the confirmation "Congratulations, you will become parents!" everyone is feeling overwhelmed by emotions. No matter how prepared we feel, no matter how much help we have, even if that’snot our first child, a roller coaster of emotions has already started and takes us to a unique journey.
"Will we make it? Are we prepared? Will we be good parents?” these are some of the first questions that come to mind, which stress makes more difficult to answer. How much this stress of the expectant mother can affect the baby?
The role of the mother, the role of the father, pregnancy, childbirth and the first days with the baby are at the core of this Experts Talk. How can the balance in the home that welcomes a new member be maintained? Why do dads feel marginalised? Why do mums feel lonely? How can a possible gap be bridged between two people who until recently were a coupleand now are parents?
Every case is different, every couple and every child is unique. There are issues that concern us all, anxieties and fears that we all share in front of a crying baby.
Jenny Balatsinou, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of welcomes to the Experts Talk “Healthy mother, Healthy baby” the psychologist-psychotherapist, Mrs. Ioanna Apostolopoulou, the maternity counselor, Mrs. Katerina Gatou and the young dad and businessman, Mr. PanagiotisHatzidakis, in a discussion-guide to sail in the sea of parenthood.

Jenny Balatsinou was born in Thessaloniki and then she moved to Athens where she grew up.
She was actively involved in sports and started playing tennis from an early age and soon she participated in the National Youth Team. At the age of 12-17 she attended a sports school in France and got a transfer to a French team.
She became active in fashion and television where through innovative shows she communicated to the television audience the world of fashion, beauty and aesthetics.
In 2000, she set up her own business, Beautyworks, a pioneer in sophisticated cosmetics in Greece which was bought in 2011 by a leading group of cosmetics.
In May 2011, she decided to create her own blog which is distinguished for its quality and high aesthetics, developed into one of the largest and most influential women's sites and in 2019 it was bought by KOOLWORKS. She is currently Executive Consultant & Concept Creator of
She is also the inspirer of a major initiative, Hautes Grecians. Haute Grecians is an institution that supports Greek fashion and promotes Greek designers both in Greece and abroad. It has always been associated with a charitable cause, aiming to support fashion and upcoming talented designers illuminating the cause of charity organizations, too.
In April 2021, she co-founded with communication specialist Konstantinos Kafiris the Greek subscription platform of alternative education
Jenny Balatsinou is now married to the politician and Greek Minister of Health, Vassilis Kikilias, with whom they have a son, Panagiotis-Antonis, while from her marriage to Petros Kostopoulos she has two daughters, Amalia and Alexandra and a son, Maximos.

Ioanna Apostolopoulou is a clinical psychologist, with a doctoral dissertation in medical school. She has taught psychology, counseling and psychotherapy both at the University of Athens and at a great number of private colleges, institutes, and other related public and private bodies. She has participated in dozens of conferences, as a lecturer, coordinator and laboratory instructor. Responding to the ever-increasing need for counseling and treatment, she launched together with partners the Counseling Center in Mavili square, working with a model of short-term, solution-focused, simple and affordable treatment. As a therapist she uses cognitive and behavioral techniques while enriching her therapeutic way with elements from other psychotherapeutic directions. The psychology of the pregnant and young mother but also the facilitation of couples regarding their new roles is of particular interest. She is mother of two boys.

Katerina Gatou is a mother of two children and Maternity, Birth and Puerperium Assistant. Economics graduate of the University of Piraeus, Katerina chose a different career path and decided to focus on the emotional, physical and practical support of pregnant women by employing knowledge from various educational programmes she has attended (Childbirth International, Hypno Birthing, Birthlight, Attached at the Heart and more). Her vision was parents that enjoy the pre-birth, birth and post-birth periods while taking care and staying informed. In 2017 her vision became real as she launched “Two Hearts – Before birth till parenthood”, a centre that provides services, activities and seminars for young and future parents and their babes.

Panagiotis Chatzidakis has studied graphic design and has worked in the field of Online & Digital communication for the last twenty years. He has been a co-founder of three technology companies and likes being engaged with a lot of things; one of them being TV presentation. Lately, he got new roles in his life and he’s now a husband, and father of a young boy.