This ExpertsTalk brings to the fore the hot topic of innovative entrepreneurship.
Moderator: Dimitris Delevegkos, Journalist
Christos Dimas, Deputy Minister of Development and Investments, Responsible for Research, Technology and Innovation
Michalis Vlastarakis, General Manager Group Marketing & Corporate Communications Eurobank
Roula Bachtalia, Programme Manager egg - enter•grow•go
Christos Nikoloudis, Founder & CEO at Mantis Business Innovation
Alexia-Victoria Polissidi, Neuropharmacologist, Co- Founder & CEO at Anakalypsis Therapeutics
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This Experts Talk brings to the fore the hot topic of innovative entrepreneurship. What are the new dynamics and trends that have been created and how is the future of new entrepreneurship expected to be shaped in the Greek, but also in the global economy? How can important sectors, such as research, be linked to entrepreneurship and raise the necessary funds to research and open up the market? Is there a way to keep the brilliant minds in our country?
Journalist Dimitris Delevegkos asks key questions about the present and future of Greek startups to the Deputy Minister of Development and Investment, responsible for Research, Technology and Innovation Christos Dimas, to Michalis Vlastarakis, General Manager Group Marketing & Corporate Communications Eurobank and to Roula Bachtalia, Programme Manager egg - enter•grow•go. The representatives of two prominent examples of startup companies, thanks to EGG, Alexia-Victoria Polissidi, Neuropharmacologist, Co- Founder & CEO at Anakalypsis Therapeutics and Christos Nikoloudis, Founder & CEO of Mantis Business Innovation, managed to start and build their course in the market.
Digital transformation acts as an accelerator, access to technology is democratized, local ecosystems are developed and easy connectivity brings a big boost.
Entrepreneurship in Greece has started to adjust, the trust of the Greeks towards most of the social and state institutions is growing and the tendency of the Greek citizens to accept a "new normality" is the greatest challenge for the future.

Dimitris Delevegos is a journalist at Kathimerini newspaper and Money Review. As a reporter his focus is on business, economics, real estate, tourism, construction, aviation and state-owned enterprises. He is a graduate of Panteion university of Social and Political Sciences and he holds a postgraduate degree in Communications management. He has been granted the financial reporting prize by “Botsis” Foundation for the Promotion of Journalism. He speaks English and French.

Christos Dimas is a lawyer and a Member of Parliament for Corinth with the New Democracyparty. He was born on May 29, 1980. He graduated from the Law School of the Nationaland Kapodistrian University of Athens and from Queen Mary University in London. He received his Master's Degree in Comparative Politics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He then completed his PhD in European Politics, in the LSE, with a scholarship from Alexandros Onassis Foundation. The title of his dissertation is: “The importance of the national institutional framework and domestic consultation during proposed reforms: the case of the privatisation of national telecommunications in Greece and Ireland." In addition to his studies, he worked as a correspondent in London for the newspaper "I Apogevmatini" while he also did an internship in journalism at the BBC.
At the age of 25 he taught, as an assistant professor at the LSE, the course of "Introduction to Political Science" to first-year students. He has also taught Postgraduate students at ICON College, University of Leicester, the course "The Social Impact of the Media" and has been a research associate at the Jean Monnet European Center of Excellence. He has made numerous publications and presentations in well-known Greek and international scientific journals.
Prior to his candidacy, he worked in the private sector as a business consultant at The BostonConsulting Group (BCG). He was elected MP of Corinth with the New Democracy party in the elections of May and June 2012 and since then he has been continuously elected as the first MP of the prefecture. He participates in the Production-Trade and Environmental Protection Committees of the Parliament and is the Deputy Head of Economy and Development of New Democracy.
By decision of the Prime Minister, since July 2019 he has been Deputy Minister of Development and Investments, responsible forResearch and Technology. In his free time, heenjoys playing football and basketball and reading history books. He is married to lawyer Nikoleta Syreggela and they have a daughter and a son.

He was born in Athens in 1962. Mr. Vlastarakishas been working in the banking sector for the last 25 years, having held positions of responsibility in Eurobank, European Investment Bank, Barclays Bank in Greece and the United Kingdom, as well as in the National Bank of Greece. In the last 10 years he has contributed from various positions of responsibility to the development of Retail Banking in Greece and Southeastern Europe.
He holds an MBA in Financial Services from the ALBA Graduate Business School and a degree in Economics from the University of Athens. He has also been trained in Strategic Marketing at Harvard Business School and in Management at IMD.

Roula Bahtalia is the Programme Manager egg - enter•grow•go. The egg Program is one of the most successful business accelerators in Greece, which aims to support young innovative entrepreneurship and enhance the prospect of sustainable employment of the country's human resources. The egg Program is a corporate social responsibility initiative of Eurobank designed and implemented in collaboration with Corallia.
Roula Bahtalia has got 25 years of experience in the development & management of teams & sales channels in the wide field of New Technologies, while she’s got significant professional experience in Marketing techniques & strategic development of new markets. She holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from Bath University, UK, Certified by CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing), IPMA (International Project Management Association) and EFQM Committed to Excellence as a validator.
Roula is an active volunteer in entrepreneurship and a volunteer trainer in issues related to digital marketing.

Since 2014 he has been elected as a PhD candidate in the department of Economic Environment and Sustainable Development of NTUA, on the development of a comprehensive methodology for the evaluation of strategic investments and start-ups. Through his doctoral dissertation he was actively involved in the Hellenikon investment, with the development of decision-making models in entrepreneurship and innovation competitions. He teaches auxiliary courses in the Technological Economics course of the School of Mechanical Engineering while he has been elected to the board of directors of the doctoral candidates of NTUA.
Background in studies: He is a qualified mechanical engineer from the National Technical University of Athens with a specialisation in the field of Industrial Management and Business Research. In parallel to his studies, Christos hasgot a remarkable professional experience as a project manager in energy investments, financial advisor in strategic investments, etc.
Today, he is the Chief Executive Officer of Mantis Business Innovation, working full time for the success of the business start-up. Mantis is a "fresh" startup - in fact, it is included in the 5th cycle of the Eurobank egg program.

Dr. Alexia-Victoria Polissidi is a collaborating researcher-junior group leader (ELIDEK scholarship holder) at the Center for Clinical, Experimental Surgery & Translational Research at IIVEAA, where she has founded and now heads the Behavioral Phenotyping unit. She obtained a degree in Pharmacology (BSc Honours) with honorary distinction from the University of Alberta and received a doctorate from the Pharmacology Laboratory of the Medical School of UoA.
She specialises in psychopharmacology, preclinical drug testing and phenotyping of animal models of psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. She is a European Medicines Agency Expert for the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use.
She was also a lecturer of the Medical School Pharmacology courses of the European University Cyprus from 2015 to 2018 and today she teaches Pharmacology and Neuroscience at the Medical School of UoA, in bothundergraduate and postgraduate level. Dr. Polissidi has received 6 awards, has got 24 publications in international journals and has contributed as an author to two book chapters.